Medical Insurance: Great for the Body, Maybe Not so Great for the Mind
One of the questions I’m often asked by potential clients is, “Do you take insurance?” I mean, you pay for health insurance for a reason and you want to use it when you can, right? While I don't participate in direct billing with insurance companies, there are many...
Who Am I?
One of the greatest freedoms we'll ever find in life is understanding our identity in Christ. This little video does a great job helping us understand the importance of our identity and why we need to get it right!
What About – New Year’s Resolutions?
Were your holidays spent shopping, eating treats, and indulging in other pleasures with the secret affirmation to yourself the new year and new goals are coming? Now that the holidays are over, have you set a New Year’s Resolution? Some goal you hope to attain during...
Fakebook – Don’t Let it Ruin Your life!
Facebook has done a great job of helping people stay in touch over long times and distances, and that's terrific! I have a list of old navy buddies I've been able to keep in touch with as wall as distance relatives - So it's nice to be about to see how people are...
Celebrate Recovery
Hi. I’m Joel and I’m a firm believer in Jesus Christ! The introduction above is similar to that of many Celebrate Recovery introductions. Celebrate Recovery is a program I often recommend to people who are struggling with an assortment of issues and may be...
Dealing with Holiday Expectations
With the holidays in full swing, are you experiencing joy or frustration? Happiness or stress? A study by the American Psychology Association found that 44% of women and 31% of men report an increase in stress during the holidays. The holidays are a time to celebrate,...
7 Myths of Christian Counseling
There are a lot of myths in regards to Christian counseling. Probably the biggest myth is that Christian counseling is about telling people what God wants them to do! Today's Christian counseling is not about telling you what to do or believe, but rather it's about...
Why We Shouldn’t Trust our Emotions
Feelings and emotions are what we perceive, but not always what is real. This is why our feelings always need to be checked to insure what we feel is correct. This video does a great job explaining the difference.
Why Bother with Marriage?
Have you ever thought about why we bother with marriage and why they make it so hard to get out of one? Here's a great little video that helps shed some light on the reasons why.
Healing the “Mom Gap”
A lot of mothers love the idea of staying home and raising their own kids, and some moms stay at home because it's the most economical way to care for the children. Many feel God's put it on their hearts to stay at home for their children. Unfortunately, my wife has...